Saturday, January 23, 2016


Finally, time to go home. I glance at my watch, 10:21 PM.

It’s been quite around. Exhale, inhale. Wow, even breathing feel great when you are going home. I touch every pocket i have before i feel my headphone still attached to my phone in my denim jacket pocket. I take it and then scroll trough the list.Hm, the song i’ve been played for these 3 days. I put my helmet and my headphone on. Just after i start riding my motorcyle, i press play.

I lost count of the people asking me “ How can you hear other vehicle that trying to cross from behind if you put your headphone on?”which i usually answer with “i don’t have to. Because i am the one who do the crossing.”

I start wandering how famous people choose their stage name and not long after, i realize i already arrive home. The power of human brain. The garage door is closed, but not locked. inside there is a long couch with coffee stain all over. I can’t remember the last time it being washed. Just like my socks. I came in after put my shoes and the godforsaken socks off and straight to my room.

That’s strange.

My room is open.

Someone enter my room.

This is bad. I get in nervously and turn the light on. Nobody inside. But seems like it’s been searched. “Don’t tell me they take it” i said to myself. I reached under my table.

It’s been opened.            
I look inside slowly, while hoping my fear won’t happen.

Just like that, it’s gone.

And with the power left in me, my lips moved and say

“Ya Allah, Momogi cuma 5 dicolong semua.”.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


Asli belum sempat nulis postingan baru. (Alesan. Padahal emang gak bisa ngolah ide buat ditulis). Jadinya masih ngeshare quote yang nemu di film aja. Dah ah, langsung ke gambar aja.
Pada akhirnya
Pada akhirnya.